What does the City hope to accomplish with this project?
Both streets have had numerous repairs and are nearing the end of their useful life and should be replaced. The City is going to take this opportunity to add in additional right turn lanes and complete street improvements along both of the streets as well as replace the public utilities within the streets.
How long will construction take?
The City anticipates the length of construction will take about 18 months.
How much will this project cost, and where is the money coming from?
The project award amount was $9.0 Million, and the sources of funds are from the Bond Program and ARPA (grant) Funds.
Will I be able to access my driveway during construction?
There will be times in which access to your driveway will be reduced, but the contractor will reach out to you prior to this. Fortunately, a majority of the properties have more than one driveway.
My parkway contains irrigation, what will happen to it?
Prior to construction, the contractor will request that the property owner run their sprinklers so that he can confirm that they are operational and determine the location of the sprinkler heads. If the irrigation lines are in the way of construction activities, the lines will be temporarily capped to the area of concern. During the parkway restoration, the lines will be reconnected and made operational once again.
Have additional questions about the Valley Parkway and Civic Circle Reconstruction project? Contact Mary Ayala, 972.219.3493 or via email at mayala@cityoflewisville.com.