Claire Powell Thank you for visiting the City’s website and for your interest in Lewisville government. This site is designed to deliver services and information to you in the same friendly, efficient, and effective manner you can expect at our "real" city hall. You can pay water bills, review the library catalog, check out the calendar of events, and interact with City staff and elected officials – all at your own convenience and according to your own schedule. We hope you will bookmark our website and make it your first source for important news and information about City operations and activities.

The website is only one of several ways to get information about what is going on in your local government. We also provide information through cable programming that can be found on City Cable LVTV (Channel 16 on Spectrum, Channel 15 on Frontier). City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are replayed on LVTV, and original programming looks at operations in many different city departments. Please check the program guide on this web site.

We also have an active presence on web-based social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. Links to all of these pages can be found on the home page of the City website. City staff uses these outlets to provide timely and useful information to anyone interested in what’s happening in Lewisville.

We hope that the information provided through our "virtual" city hall is responsive to your needs. We plan to continue to build and improve this site in the future. If you have a suggestion to improve our web site, please feel free to contact James Kunke, Community Relations & Tourism Director.

Thanks for visiting!

Organization Chart

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