City of Lewisville, TX
Home MenuTogetherness
Artist: Marion Roller
Installed: 2013
Location: Lewisville Public Library, 1197 W. Main Street
Sculpted by Marion Roller (1916-2012), Togetherness depicts a family of monkeys grooming each other.
Marion Roller studied at the Vesper George School of Art, The Art Students League, and received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Queens College. Marion’s works include fired terra cotta to monumental works in cast bronze. Her figures, portraits, bas reliefs and medals have been awarded numerous honors.
Marion’s sculpture has been exhibited throughout the world including the National Academy of Design and the National Sculpture Society in New York City; The United States Mint in San Francisco and Denver; the Albany Institute of History and Arts, NY; the Pittsfield Sculpture Society of Serravizza, Italy; the Federation Internationale de la Medaille in Helsinki, Finland; widely exhibited throughout Eastern Europe as part of the U.S. Information Service; and since 1998, on consignment to Sculptureworks for exhibition in libraries throughout the United States.
Togetherness was gifted to the Lewisville Public Library in 2013 by the Marion Roller Estate, New York, N.Y., at the request of Sculptureworks.