This focal point is located at the intersection of Business 121 and IH 35E, the geographic center of the city. This
intersection is key to Lewisville’s regional image and identity.
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is currently designing a major reconstruction project for IH35E-E. This project will include replacement of overpasses at three IH-35E intersections in Lewisville: SH 121 Business, West Main Street and Corporate Drive and is expected to be completed in 2025. This major investment increases the importance of this Identity Focal Point as a place that identifies Lewisville to the thousands of people who travel through it every day.
The new overpass at SH 121 Business will incorporate enhancements such as wide sidewalks, dedicated bike
lanes, colored pavement, decorative lighting, native landscaping and embossed artwork reflecting Lewisville’s
history on retaining walls. As part of the overpass reconstruction project, the South Mill Street intersection
will be relocated approximately 900 feet to the east to align with Northwood Drive in order to provide better
traffic flow and intersection spacing and to eliminate a confusing intersection. Once the new overpass and related
improvements are complete, connection across the freeway will be greatly improved and the surrounding area will be ripe for redevelopment.
The framework plans and development standards of the IH-35E Corridor Overlay District will guide redevelopment efforts for this Identity Focal Point. Equally important, redevelopment synergy from Old Town is expected to continue southward down South Mill Street to activate this area. Partnerships with landowners, developers and the city will be imperative to capitalize on redevelopment opportunities as they arise.